On September 8, 1995 a 78 year old white male, paralyzed since 1/4/95, entered the NeuroCare Treatment program. He was diagnosed with transverse myolytis, effecting L3 and L4. He has no sensitivity from the waist down.

Twenty-five minutes into the first treatment with the Neuro Care 1000, a small amount of recruitment was noticed and continued to increase slightly to the finish of the 45 minute treatment. A machine was sent home with him. Treatments twice a day and to return in one week.

September 15, 1995: During this treatment in the office good foot movement was documented. Added an electrode placement to the treatment he was doing and sent him home. He was to continue the treatment program and return in one week.

September 20: He now can feel hot and cold sensation on the buttocks. Can walk backwards in the swimming pool and can get out of the pool into the chair, on his own.

September 22: An increase in muscle girth is documented in his legs. He can move his feet up and down when sitting in his chair. Continued 45-minute treatments twice a day.

October 6: Continues to show improvement and is very encouraged.

Oct. 13: Feels hot and cold sensation on the top of his left foot. Sensation above and below left and right head of the femur. Still some sensation in buttocks. Small amount of bladder function has returned, without catheter. Muscles in his hips are strengthening. The tibialis muscles. He discontinued wearing support stockings on 10/7 and his legs look much better. His wound is nearly completely healed.

Oct. 27: Decubitus on his foot is now a small scab. Tibialis muscle approximately 1" in diameter. Sensitivity to sharp and dull with exception of right toes and mid left hamstring.

Dec. 1: Patient walked into our office using a walker. Right leg and foot (which were the worst) now have good sensitivity and showing signs of nerve return. Left foot not responding as well, so will have patient concentrate on working the left leg and foot for the next week, as well as his standard treatment program.

Dec 6: Patient has 50% or more sensitivity return to the left foot and leg and is standing for longer periods of time.

Patient continues with his treatment program, calling in at least once per week and stopping by occasionally. He continues to see his Kaiser physician, who originally told him, he would never walk again.

Sept. 17, 1996: Patient rides his three wheel bicycle, taps his foot to music, and swings foot back and forth. He continues his treatments, sometimes just once per day.

Jan. 24, 1997: Patient is continuing to improve. The treatments are now concentrating on strengthening the hip and outer thigh muscles to stabilize his gait.


Patient is a 24 year old white male. Diagnosed as a quadriplegic since January 20, 1995. Is on a ventilator due to the paralysis. He was very athletic prior to the injury. While working with weights in a weight room, he heard a "snap". After showering, he drove himself home. It began to bother him so much he went to the doctor. They gave him a MRI and before he left the office, he was paralyzed.

Jan. 29, 1997: Initial visit and treatment with the NeuroCare Treatment Program. He is having physical therapy treatments on a regular basis and his muscle toneness is better than expected.

We are working through his physical therapist and family members because he resides in a different state. He communicates to us on a regular basis via telephone and the e-mail.

May 28: An e-mail "ŠSince I started using the Neurocare system in February, I feel I've made great progress. In the two years prior to starting the treatment, I had some limited use of my left wrist and a little trunk strength. Now I feel I have gained some use of my diaphragm that will eventually, and hopefully soon, get my breathing on my own without the ventilator. I have also gained substantial range of motion in my neck. I can also bend my waist and pull myself back into a sitting position with a little help. I used to have a badly separated right shoulder, that is now stronger and in perfect shape. This development has started to give me some trace movement in my right arm, hand and fingers. I have increased sensation in my back and stomach, in addition to the sensation I already had. Now it is even better. My left arm is getting stronger also. Now my bicep is getting stronger and I can contract it better. Also, my tricep is beginning to come along. I can also make a fist with my left hand.

More updates to come. Thank you.


Patient lives in Austria and began his NeuroCare treatment program while in a physical therapy facility in Switzerland. He is a 39 year old male who is diagnosed paraplegic due to an accident injuring the spine at T11 in June 1996. He began the NeuroCare Treatment Program in February 1997. He suffered from burning pain sensations so severe he contemplated committing suicide.

He found the pain cycle was interrupted and came less often after beginning the NeuroCare treatments.

February report: "Pain-free - no burning, heavy feeling." He noticed a burning, heavy feeling in his legs and a parasthesia in his feet.

March report: "More pain-free days.. Increased tingling, sometimes feeling in legs like rubber." In May report, patient is having a "rubbery" feeling in gluteal muscles.

Between Feb. and middle of May the pain was alternating; one day pain (mainly strong, burning sensation in the entire paralyzed area) followed by one day pain free (except for parasthesia in feet).

In the middle of May, the pattern started to reverse: the burning pain experienced during pain days, decreased to a degree of discomfort. On the other hand, the burning of the feet started to increase during (former) pain free days. The overall level of pain has gone down further during the month of June. Spasticity increased in the left leg from almost none, mainly in the evening. A rubbery feeling in gluteal muscles continues to increase.

BLADDER FUNCTION: A few days ago, bladder spontaneously started to release liquid when it reached the filled state. I was able then to further release about 200 ml to a minimum level of 200-250 ml residual urine.

JULY REPORT was no change other than rubbery feeling in gluteal and thigh muscles continues to increase.

AUGUST REPORT Still increasing "rubbery" sensation obviously has been caused by the NeuroCare. Experienced muscle tension in the hip and thigh area starting in May. As a consequence in July I was able to go from the wheel chair or bed in a squatting position, from there onto my knees and crawl. I can crawl to a chair or a couch and pull myself up to sit. At the same time the pain pattern changed and the overall pain level was reduced to an endurable level. Over the last two weeks the pain pattern seems to be changing again.

NOVEMBER REPORT: I was in Switzerland for a follow-up exam and the neurologist fell almost off her chair when I got out of the wheelchair into a squatting position. I asked her (using her diagnosis phrasing) - " Do you want to see a T11 complete paraplegic crawl." She got all nervous and said, "No, No - please get onto the examination table." She measured slight motor and sensory signals. She couldn't believe it and said that I were her first patient who had zero electrical potentials after 5 months and some returning functions later on. Their recommendation: Keep doing what you have been doing so far.

My physiotherapist says there is motor activity down to L3 and he started to see tibialis muscle tension along with L5 foot reflexes 2 weeks ago. Also, I can feel pressure during sitting, so I have to stretch out after about 2-3 hours of sitting.

Today I clearly could feel a tingling sensation in both thighs and in my right tibia when the Neurocare emitted currents. Another step in progress.

March 11: What I have seen over the last six months was a substantial increase in muscle strength in the hip and upper thighs. Was I sweating when I had to crawl on all my fours last August, now my PT lets me craw a certain distance fast and times me. Therefore measuring the progress objectively. Now, even when I have to crawl fast I am not sweating, circulation just warms my body up.

The stronger muscles in the hips give me much more stability in walking with a walker. First it caused me to sweat when I walked. Now, after a few weeks walking with _ height leg-braces - it just warms me up a bit.

Currently, I cannot stand without the training braces, but it's my belief that one day I'll be able to stand without the brace support. My PT emphasizes the training of the quadriceps muscles to strengthen my lower part of the thighs. Yesterday I lifted 8lb weights on both legs by contracting the quadriceps. When I sit on my bed I can lift my feet about one foot (without additional weight, of course).

According to my PT, my L2 muscles are pretty strong, L3 is still weak and L4 tibia muscles just show some tension at best. There is no controlled activity of my feet L5.

Regarding the fact, that one year ago I was diagnosed as completely paralyzed below T10, I am grateful that I got it this far within one year. I'm getting much stronger muscle contractions in my entire leg, including gluteal muscles.

DECEMBER REPORT: New Milestone is biking with a home trainer bike. For about 2 weeks I had quite some pain from sore muscles. It seems that meanwhile the biking has taken off the daily swings of pain. Overall there is more "real pain" (pressure and sore muscles) now before when there was only neurogenic pain.


61 year old male injured falling from a roof. Diagnosed paraplegic T6 - T8, and L1.

Started Neuro Care treatment program in mid December 1997. On 3/17/98 wife called to report on husband's progress. There is a noticeable increase in leg girth. Overall tone is better. Has voluntary toe movement, and this is the fourth day without stimulation for his bowel movement. She expresses that, "Lots of things are happening!"


35 year old female. Diagnosed paraplegic T11 - T12. Has regained the ability to stand and walk with supports and a cane. Very athletic, continues to work out at a gym and do body building. She works with people. However, she has actually fallen on her clients, and she is bothered by incontinence (urgency). Multiple trips to the bathroom in a 30 minute period. She has extreme spasticity in her legs, especially her left leg. So much so that it starts with a touch. She has no feeling below the knee.

She started the Neuro Care Treatment Program 12/20/97. The immediate goal is to relieve the spasticity, develop the gluteus muscles, strengthen the quadriceps to give her support when standing and the ability to "lock" her knees, and give her control of her bladder.

January 5, 1998 she calls to say she has "tingling" in her ankles. Also, feels the hot water in her bathtub when she puts her foot into it.

January 10 : The tingling in the ankles is gone. She is noticing strength in her gleuts and right quad. She can now lock her knee on the right side. Continues to feel hot and cold below the knee. She is able to go 2-3 hours without having to go to the bathroom. And when she does "have to go", she can even wait a little longer.


63 year old male diagnosed Spastic Quadriplegic from C4-5, since horseback injury 6/03/89. Little shoulder movement but no hand movement or coordination.

Began Neuro Care Treatment Program 2/4/98. On 2/16/98 he called to report that he had "opened a box of Bugle Snack crackers. Not only did he get the plastic liner open, he was able to pick up the crackers one by one as he ate the whole box full. He also has feeling returning to his lower extremities, and he can feel the top of his feet.

3/5/98 He can now move his lower legs and this week he could push himself in his manual wheelchair. He continues to get better movement in his hands and arms. Feeling is increasing in both legs and has even felt pain from the unevenness of his mattress. He can move his legs while lying down.


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